Coffee Maker Style Guide

According to some statistics, 52 percent of Americans are coffee drinkers. This translates to more than 100 million people who drink coffee daily. Americans are a diverse population and far from unanimously agreeing on what makes a good cup of coffee. Fortunately, there are several different styles of coffee makers available today.

Coffee lovers can choose the brewing machine that fits their preferences. Common coffee maker styles include Automatic Drip, Automatic Espresso, French Press, Percolator, Stovetop Espresso, and Vacuum style. Each has its own pros and cons and gives the user varying control over the end result.

Automatic Drip Coffee Maker

Automatic drip coffee makers are probably the most popular choice for Americans. They are easy to use and are inexpensive to purchase. Most operate on the same principle. Inside the coffee pot is a filter basket where a paper filter holds the coffee grounds. Cold water is poured into the reservoir where it is heated before being poured over the grounds. The resulting coffee flows into a carafe. The brewed coffee is kept warm by the hot surface beneath the carafe.

Those who don't like to use automatic drip coffee makers complain that they do not make a good cup of coffee. Keeping the coffee maker and carafe clean, using quality coffee and disposable paper filters will help ensure a better result.

Automatic Espresso Coffee Maker

Automatic espresso coffee makers come in semi-automatic, fully automatic and super automatic versions. Semi-automatic models tamp the coffee grounds, brew the coffee, fill the cup and eject grounds. Fully automatic models also grind the coffee. Super models offer a wide variety of features, including built in water filters.

French Press Coffee Maker

French Press coffee makers are also known as press pots or plunger pots. The pot is a glass or porcelain cylinder which contains a stainless, mesh plunger that works as a filter.

The user measures coffee grounds into the pot and adds nearly boiling water. The plunger is put in place but not pushed until the coffee has steeped a few minutes. After steeping, the plunger is pushed and the coffee is ready.

There is no hot surface to maintain coffee temperature so the coffee must be served immediately or placed into a thermal carafe of some sort.

Percolator Coffee Maker

Percolator coffee makers are available in stove top styles and in electric styles. Most modern ones are both electric and can be programmed. Some models make only one cup of coffee, others can make 12 cups at a time. The large coffee urns used by many organizations work on the percolation principle but brew more than 100 cups of coffee at a time.

Percolator coffee makers are not used as often as they used to be. These machines continuously run the water over the grounds and the water is boiled. Many coffee lovers claim that both actions violate the laws of making good coffee.

Coffee made via percolator tends to be stronger and often bitter tasting than coffee made with other brewing methods.

Stovetop Espresso Coffee Maker

Stovetop espresso coffee makers are simple to use and can be made anywhere there is heat, whether on a stove or over a campfire. Water is put inside the bottom boiler. The funnel filter is then placed in the boiler and filled with coffee. The top is screwed on lightly and the unit is placed over the heat source.

Once the top of the boiler is filled with brewed coffee, the coffee maker is removed from the heat source and the coffee is served.

Vacuum Coffee Maker

Vacuum coffee makers look more like chemistry lab equipment than coffee machines. This type consists of two overlapped containers that are connected by a syphon tube. There is a filter in the bottom of the upper container.

The user places water in the lower container and coffee grounds in the upper container. The machine is then put on top of the stove where the heated water vaporizes and passes through the syphon tube into the upper container.

A brewing cycle lasts approximately three minutes. When the unit is removed from heat, the vapor turns back to water and is forced through the filter and back into the lower container. Farberware created the first automatic vacuum coffee maker model while Sunbeam made the first truly automatic modern one.

There are few companies making vacuum coffee makers these days. Antique stores and auction sites such as eBay carry the traditional Silex and Sunbeam machines.

Coffee lovers can choose from a wide variety of coffee makers. From inexpensive stove top coffee pots to high end super automated coffee makers, there's a coffee maker for every preference as well as every budget.

A coffee franchise in most areas is a solid business decision. The complication often arises when deciding on one coffee franchise over its many worthy competitors. There are many franchises on the market that offer coffee as a primary source of revenue. Consider some of the following things when deciding which coffee franchise is the best one to meet your needs while promising the most solid financial future for your business needs.

Start up fees. Different coffee franchises will have different requirements for building space, design, d้cor, equipment, inventory, and other associated fees in order to begin your business. Make a list of all the franchises you are interested in purchasing, the fees involved in starting the business, and what is included in those fees as well as what other money you may need to come up with on the front end of your business venture.

Financing. Many coffee franchises have resources to help those who wish to buy into the franchise find financing. Some do not however. If there are opportunities for financing within the franchise this is a plus to many would be franchise owners while others prefer to come up with their own financing. Some franchises also require those who buy into the franchise to have a certain amount of money to invest in addition to any financing. You need to hammer out all the fine print and financial details before making any decisions or property purchases.

Franchise fees. Every franchise has fees associated with buying into the franchise. In essence you are 'renting' the name of the parent company in order to run your business. Each franchise will have certain requirements of those who buy into the franchise by means of monthly fees, advertising contributions, required inventory, and other requirements that may not exactly be financial (among these are uniforms, store policies, and procedures for paperwork). Understand before buying into a coffee franchise exactly how much the franchise fees will be each year (or what percentage of your revenue will be required) and what those fees buy you as the franchise owner.

Training/Support. This is the final of the major considerations you need to check when comparing one coffee franchise with others. A company that offers a true partnership and extensive training and support to franchise owners is worth its weight in gold. You need to find out how much training and support are offered, how they are offered, when they are offered, and what this will mean to you as a franchise owner. A company that offers virtually unlimited training to help you get business up and running is worth more money and higher fees than those that leave you to tread water until you sink or swim.

Consider each of these things when comparing coffee franchises for purchase. Decide which issues are most important to you and which franchise opportunity is most likely to offer all the things you are looking for your investment. That will be the best possible choice though you might want to keep a top 3 list in case something falls through in the process.

Coffee Maker Glossary

Coffee has a language all its own. Here are a few of the frequently used coffee maker terms.

Auto Frother: device that automatically froths milk for cappuccinos and lattes.

Automatic Drip Coffee Maker: machine that automatically heats water and filters it through the coffee.

Automatic Espresso Machine and Coffee Maker: an espresso machine featuring controllable, programmable coffee dosing.

Bean to Cup: fully automated coffee making process. Machines with bean to cup capability do everything from grinding the beans to filling a cup with coffee.

Boiler: steam machine inside coffee maker. Machines with larger boilers usually are more powerful and produce more hot water for beverages.

Boiler Element: electric element that heats boiler in electric espresso coffee makers.

Cappuccino: Italian espresso based beverage.

Cup Warmer: metal portion at top of espresso coffee maker where cups are placed for warming.

Dosing: refers to either the number of grams of coffee per cup or the amount of brewed coffee per cup.

Drip Tray: Part of espresso coffee maker where coffee cup sits for filling.

Espresso: Italian black coffee which preceded specialty coffees. Rich black coffee.

Filter Basket: Metal filter where grounds are placed for brewing.

Filtered Method: process of brewing coffee with a filter, coffee is separate from the water.

French Press: aka plunger pot. A cylindrical coffee maker in which ground coffee is steeped then filtered. Coffee grounds are pushed to the bottom of the pot with the plunger. Coffee stays in the top of the pot.

Fully Automatic Espresso Machine and Coffee Maker: machines which automatically manage the brewing process from coffee bean to fresh cup of coffee.

Grind: process of preparing coffee beans for coffee brewing.

Group: Portion of espresso coffee maker that brews coffee.

Group Handle: Portion of espresso coffee maker that holds the filter basket that ground coffee goes into.

Heat Exchanger: heats water for coffee without taking water from the boiler.

Hopper: portion of grinder that holds coffee beans.

French Press coffee maker:

Knock-out Box: container used to knock the used coffee grounds from group handle.

Latte: Hot beverage made with one quarter coffee, three quarters of steamed, hot milk with little froth.

Mocha: term used to describe hot beverage made from espresso, chocolate and milk.

Moka Pot: Classic Italian espresso-maker used on top of the stove.

Percolator: coffee maker that continuously runs water through the coffee grounds to make coffee.

Pod: a self-contained, single serving unit of ready to use coffee.

Pour/Pour Speed/Pour Time: the amount of time required to pour coffee from group into cup. Should be 25 to 30 seconds for espresso.

Pump: device that moves water through the coffee maker.

Semi-Automatic Espresso Machine and Coffee Maker: machine without pre-set dosing capability.

Steam Arm/Wand: metal tube delivering steam to froth milk.

Super Automatic Espresso Machine and Coffee Maker: machine which automatically manages brewing process from coffee bean to fresh cup of coffee in addition to other features such as a water filter.

Tamping: act of pressing ground coffee into filter basket.

Vacuum coffee maker: machine using vacuum process to make coffee.

Traditional espresso coffee maker: machine that is not a bean to cup automated model.

Water Filter: filters contaminants from water for better coffee taste.

Water Font: nozzle used to dispense water from machine boiler.

Water Softener: filters lime and minerals from water, preventing build up of scales in the coffee maker. This is a must have for anyone using hard water.

So I was in Starbuck's one day with my brother. He is the one member of my family who hates coffee. Now, you may be wondering why we were in here then. It's simple; I was craving an iced latte, and he was looking for a coffee alternative. I suggested to him a chai iced latte. I've always thought these were quite tasty and an ideal coffee alternative. He looked tentative and then declined, saying that he had tried the spiced tea before and it wasn't really his thing. This is when I started an addiction. I pointed to the fairly new green tea berry frappuccino. He nodded his head and said he'd try it. Well he loved the coffee alternative. In fact, now he's hitting up Starbuck's on a daily basis to get it. Uh oh, I think I started a new habit. Regardless, this just goes to prove that you don't have to like coffee these days. Franchise coffee shops are certainly offering coffee alternatives. And this is the way it should be. Even if everyone enjoyed lattes and mocha frappuccinos, it doesn't mean they should always drink them. Coffee is not healthy. Some will try and convince you that it increases brain power and other jargon, but it's wishful thinking. Coffee is loaded with toxins and caffeine. These are components that none of us need.

The next time you're craving a latte or espresso shot, you may want to consider a coffee alternative. The truth is we all drink too much of the caffeinated stuff. It pulls water from our bodies and affects our brains. Humans need hydrating! Maybe a glass of water should be a coffee alternative.

There's a place that anyone can access fresh coffee beans in this day and age. I'm referring to the Internet. Therefore it doesn't matter if you reside in some tiny town that lacks a decent coffee shop. At any time you can hop on the web and seek out stellar coffee beans. Heck, you can even invest in an awesome espresso machine or drip pot, all from the comfort of your own home. Okay, let me elaborate on the different between fresh coffee beans and the old, past due stuff. Coffee beans, like many foods, have a life-span. Let's say I just had some beans roasted. They will not only smell magnificent, but the flavor of my brew will be outstanding since they're so fresh. However, in about two weeks these coffee beans will start to get old. That is, unless, I vacuum seal them somehow, such as brands like Millstone do. You can commonly spot their coffee in basically any grocery store. If the beans are vacuum sealed, you can count on them staying fresh for at least another three months or so. That's pretty awesome. But, once they're opened, consider how long they'll taste great and when they'll start to taste old.

Just because you purchased coffee from Starbuck's, doesn't mean the coffee beans were fresh, or that the java will taste good for that matter. You would have to inquire further about their roasting and bagging process to learn this. If you truly want to find some fresh coffee, I suggest you try one of the countless coffee websites online. They can ship the freshest coffee beans to you instantly. Trust me when I say it's well worth the effort and slightly varying cost.

Whether you're a coffee lover, or you have one or more coffee lovers on your gift list, a store where you can buy a coffee bean direct could turn out to be one of your favorite places to shop. Some people might not think of coffee as a luxury or a great gift item, but more a necessity to get the eyes completely open in the morning. For others it's a treat, either as a nice morning wake-up drink, a pick-me up in the afternoon, or the end to a good meal in the evening. But even those who drink the same brand of coffee just to feel alive every morning could enjoy shopping for coffee online.

In your grocery store, typically a special aisle is reserved for coffee and tea. Sometimes it's not even an entire aisle, depending on how much variety that particular store offers. Compare that to the amount of coffee and coffee-related items you can find in a virtual coffee bean direct shop. Yet, most of have enjoyed that aisle, even as children, if we were lucky enough to live near a store that had a coffee grinder right there among the coffees. There's nothing quite like walking past the machine that grinds the coffee beans and smelling that freshly ground aroma.

But even then, there were a limited number of pre-ground coffees to choose from, and usually only one brand, maybe three at the most, of coffee beans that you could grind and purchase. A place where you can choose a coffee bean direct out of scores of different coffees gives you the equivalent of an entire store full of nothing but different types of coffee, let alone different brands.

Because any store that urges to shop coffee bean direct is focused on coffee, you want have to buy one of the two or three brands that almost every coffee drink either drinks or has drank in the past. You can buy coffee from all over the world, in bean form to grind yourself or pre-ground. You're not limited to what you can find in your grocery store aisle or at your local coffee shop. And if you know what you're looking for, shopping is even easier. Just find the type of coffee you want, order, and have it delivered to your door for less than you would probably pay anywhere else.

If you don't know what kind of purchase you want to make, there's no better place to browse coffee than a vast virtual store like that. You'll find information on different types of coffee, something that will help you if you're looking for a gift or for something new for you! A coffee bean direct store is a great place to shop for a friend or loved one who needs that daily java to survive, or who considers coffee a treat to be savored. And whether you're purchasing through coffee bean direct for you or a loved one, you'll pay less for popular and exotic types of coffee.

A perfect example of good marketing is the coffees that are low in acid. Some companies are using come-hither strategies such as pairing low acid coffee with specialized diets or medical illnesses. A quick search of low acid coffee on the internet doesn’t bring up processing descriptions but a plethora of coffee companies blaring words like ‘new’ and ‘specially-processed.’ Dig a little more and narrow down your search to find out exactly what low acid coffee is and you’ll realize it’s not any more special than the coffee you’ve been drinking for years, and certainly not worth paying extra money for.

So what is it exactly? Very simply, it’s coffee that has been dark-roasted. There’s nothing special that’s been done to the bean, and there’s no fancy process that’s been used to eliminate stomach irritants to the beans. In fact, dark-roasting is the most common roasting process used with coffee beans today. The darker the roast, the less acid the coffee bean is left with and there you have your low acid coffee.

If you find coffee irritating to your stomach, and you believe that coffee gives you heartburn or you’ve been told by your doctor that you’d be best to drink a low acid coffee, don’t hit specialty aisles or look for premium priced coffee. Simply choose the darkest roast of coffee available, and you’ll be buying the same low acid coffee as the one being marketed with bells and whistles.

This product is a great way to show you, the consumer, the marketing strategies out there today that only make us spend our hard-earned money on so-called exclusive items and foods we don’t need. Keep manipulative tactics in mind when you go shopping, and be leery of believing marketing catch-words that make you think you’re buying something special or new.

Stay informed whenever you can. Doing some research to know if you’re really buying something worth the extra money is very quick and easy if you use the internet. Usually it takes less than five minutes to find out if you’re buying something a cut above the rest or if you’re being taken for a ride. Marketing businesses depend on the public’s interest, laziness and general acceptance to help companies make money and boost sales, so remember the example of low acid coffee and maintain a healthy level of disbelief while you’re shopping.

I have been concerned about the amount of coffee that my husband consumes. There seems to be new and different studies regarding the pros and cons of drinking coffee. Each study seems to have a different out come. I did convince him to switch to decaf coffee in the evenings. This has helped with his sleeping patterns. Prior to switching to decaf coffee my husband would fall asleep as soon as he would get into bed, but then he would wake up a couple of hours later and would have a very difficult time falling back to sleep. I mentioned this to a friend of ours that is a physician. He stated that this is often a side effect of caffeine. When I mentioned this to my husband he was resistive to trying decaf coffee. He said that he had tried some a few years ago and thought it tasted bitter and gave him an acid stomach.

I went to a coffee shop that sells brewed coffee as well as beans and blends. I asked if they could recommend a good decaffeinated blend that would not be bitter. I was told that the decaffeination process has been improved over the years, especially if you bought beans that have gone through a natural decaffeination process. I bought a pound of beans and made a pot of the decaf coffee that evening. My husband thought it was very good and he did not experience the acid stomach. He agreed that he would drink this coffee in the evenings to see if it would help with his sleeping patterns.

Within three days of switching to the decaf coffee he no longer had the problem of waking up during the night. He has also agreed to drink more water during the day in an effort to cut down on the amount of coffee he drinks. I think he has agreed to this because he read a study that coffee consumption can affect your prostate health.

Creating a Coffee Gift Basket

For someone that loves coffee, giving them a coffee gift basket can be one of the best things possible to do for them. Of course if you know exactly what types of coffee that they drink then this process will be a whole lot easier, but if you don't know what coffee they drink but only know that they're addicts when it comes to their cup of Joe in the morning then chances are that you'll be doing them a huge favor by purchasing a coffee gift basket.

There are plenty of choices on the market today for gift baskets and a coffee gift basket is just another one in the sea of themed-gift baskets. In addition, coffee is probably the most heavily relied upon product to combine in gift baskets simply because it's consumed by millions of people all over the world! However, you want to be careful that you don't buy this type of gift basket for the wrong person, but chances are that you'll already know if your friend or family member dislikes coffee.

Nevertheless, the first thing that you should probably do when trying to think of how to create the best coffee gift basket possible is to check out all of your options beforehand. Consider whether or not there are any pre-made gift baskets in the store that contain coffee items and gifts. Since coffee is such a prevalent beverage, as mentioned above, there is a very good chance that retail stores that carry gift items will naturally carry coffee gifts that are included in gift baskets as well!

If there are no coffee gift baskets, though, or even if there are and you simply want to create your own basket in the first place, then the first place to start would be a coffee mug. The coffee mug is a great accessory for anyone who has a coffee addiction and mugs are always a great gift to remember you buy. In addition, if you know that your family member or friend travels quite frequently then one common suggestion to try would be to look for a travel coffee mug to include with the gift basket. These travel mugs don't have to be expensive, but there are some decent-quality ones on the market that will keep coffee fresh, hot, and steamy all at the same time!

The next aisle you'll want to approach is the coffee aisle. Of course here you'll have a bunch of different options just because of the great amount of coffee in the world. There's Columbian coffee, cappuccinos, espresso products, plain old coffee beans, French Vanilla coffee, cinnamon coffee, hazelnut coffee, as well as many hundreds of other types of coffee to choose from. If you are putting these gifts in a gift basket then a good idea would be to buy several different coffee sampler products so that the recipient will be able to try out a bunch of different flavors. On the other hand, if you know that he or she loves a specific flavor then you may just want to buy the majority of that coffee flavor along with some new ones for him or her to try!

All in all, making a coffee gift basket is probably one of the most fun things to do when searching for the perfect gift or gift basket for that special person in your life. Not only are there hundreds of choices to decide from, but chances are that there are plenty of coffee products that your friend or family member loves as well!

The name Black and Decker brings to mind images of power tools and their coffee machine falls in line with that category. The Black and Decker machine has what looks like a steel outer shell and appears to be a mean machine. The coffee machine is programmable and comes with a digital display. With these features, you can avoid ever having to set the coffee machine when you are still groggy in the morning.

This Black and Decker model also comes with two travel mugs which are perfectly sized to fit under the brew basket. You can brew coffee directly into the mugs whenever you are on the go or short on time. I have found myself to be dependent on this feature and have a difficult time imaging life without it.

If you are in the market for a new coffee machine, I strongly recommend the Black and Decker models. If, however, your funds are a little low or you just do not want to spend that much on a new coffee maker there are many brands out there with models under ten dollars. With all of the options out there in our commerce-driven world, there is a coffee machine for any type of person and all budget levels.

If you do not yet own a coffee machine, I have to wonder about your mental health. I, like many working folk, cannot start a workday without fresh coffee and owning your own coffee maker means never having to force down the sludge that gas stations call coffee. The office where I work has a coffee service which supplies one of the most well-known brands of coffee in the world and I can’t stand it. I won’t mention the brand but anyone who has not been living under a rock for the last fifteen years can probably guess which one I am referring to. If it wasn’t for my coffee machine, I might never get the caffeine I need.

How a Coffee Maker Works

We all wake up in the morning and depend on our old friend to start our day - the coffee maker. The only effort we have to put in when wanting to enjoy a mug of coffee is to add a scoop of coffee, add the required amount of water and turn the machine on. We stand back and wait for our coffee to be ready before we can enjoy it. Think about it, have you ever stood there and tried to understand how the water gets from the compartment to the top of the machine? Have you ever wondered what that gurgling sound was? Here is what goes on inside.

If you open the top of the coffee machine, you will find the bucket that holds the water when you pour it in before the cycle starts. If you look inside, you will find a hole in the bucket's bottom, and this will become clear to you very soon. You also see a tube, and the purpose of this tube is to carry the water to the area where it drips out. The drip area is the part you see from the top that contains all the tiny holes. This is where the water arrives from the tube and then simply drips through the tiny holes.

If you turn the bucket upside down, you will see another tube and this is called the hot-water tube. This tube (tube2) connects to the black tube (tube1) that you see when looking at it from the top. Remember the hole in the bottom of the bucket mentioned earlier? Well, this is where tube2 picks up the cold water - from that hole. Also visible inside are the power cord and the on and off switch of the machine.

Next is the heating element. This little part is what makes the water hot. The heating element is just a simple coiled wire. This is similar to filament in your standard light bulb or the element in your every morning toaster. The coil in the coffee maker is held firmly in plaster, and this makes it rugged. This element has two jobs.

* The heating element (or the coil) boils the water when it is put in the coffee maker.

* The element makes sure the coffee stays warm once the cycle is complete.

The heating element inside the coffee machine is pressed firmly against the warming plate. A heat conducting grease ensures that heat is transferred competently to the warming plate. The conducting grease is messy and is extremely difficult to get off yours hands. This grease can be found in power supplies, amplifiers - basically anything that squanders heat.

There is a part that's not visible in a coffee maker and this is the one-way valve. This valve can either be in that hole that was mentioned earlier or it could be in the heating pipe, and this pipe is aluminum. If a coffee maker had no one-way valve, the hot water would just flow back into the bucket after trying to make its way up the tube.

Electric Coffee Makers

There are many types of coffee maker available on the market today. When most people think of a coffee maker, they think of an electric coffee maker. This means the coffee maker is plugged into an outlet and is powered with electricity. This is the most common way to power your coffee maker because of its simplicity. You just plug it in, add water and coffee, and push start. This is much easier than the older vacuum and stove top coffee makers from years past.

It can be hard to imagine not using an electric coffee maker. Many of us have grown up with them not knowing how hard it was to make coffee long ago. It used to take a lot of time to stand there by the stove and watch your coffee brew and make sure everything was going right. Lucky for us, we just have to push start and wait. The electricity heats the heating element which is in the water container. The water is heated to a specified temperature and then by gravity or a pump pushes the water over the ground coffee. The result is a nice, easy cup of coffee. This has a great advantage over stove top coffee makers as you don't have to worry about your coffee being too cold or so hot it takes the skin off of your tongue. Electric coffee makers don't use a ton of electricity so you won't even notice a change in your utility bills.

Electric coffee makers come in many different varieties. There is everything from a single cup coffee maker to a restaurant grade coffee maker that produces gallons at a time. By using electricity to heat the water, you are guaranteed the same temperature coffee every single time. Electric coffee makers also allow you to set a time for coffee to be brewed. This is handy for those of us on a tight schedule and don't want to waste time messing with the coffee maker in the morning. Simply set it up the night before and it will start your coffee before you even wake up.

Expensive models come with all sorts of special features. There are some that only brew one cup at a time but use special pods of high quality coffee and might even top them off with foam. Other models can have built in grinders, a storage area for extra coffee and water, or be combination machines that make espresso and cappuccino as well as normal coffee. You have so many options available, you really need to choose the coffee maker that is right for you. If you have a lot of coffee drinkers in your home, you might pick a large one. If you live alone, a single cup maker might be perfect.

You can find electric coffee makers pretty much everywhere. Every store that carries a coffee maker will have 99% electric coffee makers. Occasionally they will have some that don't use electricity, but these are either for professional coffee makers or campers.

The average American drinks at least 3 cups of coffee daily. The United States is a leading coffee consumer with Americans drinking an overall 400 million cups of coffee each year. It's no wonder that coffee makers are one of the most sold products. The Cowboy Coffee Pot of the 1800's has evolved into modern, sleek machines that cater to the appetites of eager coffee drinkers.

Coffee is big business. Some reports state that coffee sales are increasing 20 percent every year. Specialty coffee (cappuccino, latte, etc) accounts for at least 8 percent of all coffee sales.

Who's Using Coffee Makers These Days?

The average American is said to drink an average of three cups of coffee daily. The average number of sales in a drive through coffee shop each day is 200 to 300 cups. More than 50,000 coffee shops are expected to be open by 2010.

52 percent of American adults drink coffee. This translates to more than 100 million people drinking coffee every day. That's a lot of coffee makers. Women tend to drink coffee to relax while men tend to drink coffee when they're trying to get something done.

When are the most coffee makers in use? 65% of adults drink coffee with breakfast. 30 percent of Americans drink coffee between meals and about 5% drink coffee with meals. 35 percent of coffee drinkers prefer their coffee black. 65% add sugar and/or cream to customize their coffee experience.

More than 18 billion dollars are on coffee each year in the United States. McDonalds is reported to take in $51 million each day just in coffee sales.

Americans are drinking more and more specialty coffees. Many are purchasing coffee makers that allow them to brew specialty coffees at home. Coffee maker manufacturers have risen to the occasion, creating increasingly sleek styled machines that brew great coffee quickly and easily. Pod coffee makers are used frequently by coffee lovers who want to indulge at home instead of driving to the coffee shop.

Pod Single Cup Coffee Maker

For coffee lovers who prefer a fresh cup of coffee each and every time, a single serving coffee maker is ideal. Basic single serving coffee makers can be purchased for less than a hundred dollars. High end single serving machines can cost hundreds.

Pod coffee makers use premeasured coffee pods to make 8 ounces or less of coffee in less than one minute. There is no hassle. Users simply fill the reservoir with water, drop a pod into the pod spot and push a button.

Some pod coffee makers feature adjustable spouts so that different sized mugs can be used with the machine. Larger water reservoirs are also an added feature on some machines.

Pod Coffee Makers quickly and easily brew a cup of coffee in less than a minute. Prefilled pods make cleanup a breeze. Removable parts are often dishwasher safe and limited warranties are provided by most manufacturers.

Coffee is an American tradition. Those who love the beverage take their coffee drinking seriously. The availability of coffee makers that allow users to make specialty coffee at home has tremendously increased the coffee drinking population.

The History of Coffee Makers

Coffee has been used as a drink for well over 2000 years. The first methods of brewing coffee were pretty crude but they have advanced greatly over the centuries. People used to just chew the cherry that came off the coffee tree to get a stimulant effect. Inside the cherry was the coffee bean. Over time with experimentation, people started to roast and then grind the beans for better flavor.

As early as the the late 1700s, coffee makers began showing up. This made it easy for people to brew coffee and not worry about getting grounds in their cup. This was expensive and not many people had them. The basic design is similar to coffee pots of today. There was a pot on the bottom with a place to put your ground coffee on the top. This was connected to a chamber on top where you poured in your boiling water.

People tried many different types of coffee maker throughout the years since then. There have been percolators, vacuum coffee makers, and drip coffee makers. Percolators use a pot over a heat source that forces the water into an upper chamber where the coffee grounds are. The water drips through the coffee and back into the lower pot. You know it is ready when it stops making percolating noises which are easy to hear. Then you remove it from heat before it boils. Vacuum coffee makers use what looks like two pots, one upside down on the other. As it is heated, the pressure forces hot water up into the top chamber where it infuses with the ground coffee. When you remove it from heat, the pressure is reversed and the coffee goes back to the lower pot ready to drink. Drip coffee makers are the kind we are all used to. Whether automatic or manual they work by dumping hot water over coffee grounds that sit in a filter. It strains through into a pot and is ready to drink.

With the advent of electricity, coffee makers became very popular and a little cheaper. In the early 1900s coffee makers really started to boom and by the 1970s almost everyone had a coffee maker in their home. These were usually of the automatic drip variety as they were the easiest to use. Todays coffee makers have many features. They have timers that allow you to specify when you want your coffee maker to turn on, have built in grinders, storage areas, and much more. You can buy home espresso and cappuccino machines also. Coffee makers today range from the single cup variety to commercial units that make gallons at a time so no matter what your need, you can usually find it.

As more and more people start to enjoy different kinds of coffee, coffee makers become easier to use and offer more features. Many combine espresso, cappuccino, and coffee all in one machine but it is rather bulky still. Look for these to shrink in the near future.

Ideal doesn’t even begin to describe this present. If you’ve ever purchased a gourmet cup of coffee you know how expensive it can be. It can be intimidating to try a new flavor simply because of the price. When a cup of coffee costs more than five dollars you want to ensure you’re going to enjoy it. With the coffee of the month clubs you can try a new flavor each and every month, so you’ll know what you like and don’t like.

Where you live isn’t really a consideration. The samples of fresh ground coffee are mailed directly to you. You can give the coffee of the month clubs either your home or work address. Most send out a sample that will make between ten and twelve cups of coffee, so sharing it with office mates is always a nice idea. In fact some offices join the coffee of the month clubs by having each employee contribute a small amount of money towards the cost. Once the coffee arrives, they purchase some pastries and have a coffee tasting party.

Another version of this type of club can be found at some of the high end coffee bars. You can purchase a card which works much the same as the coffee of the month clubs. Each month many of these types of establishments feature a new and original coffee flavor. Your card will entitle you to a free cup of the featured coffee each month. After so many months, you earn a reward that might be a mug or a package of coffee to take home. For someone who drinks a lot of coffee, it’s actually a great bargain as well as an inexpensive way to taste the newest inventions in the world of coffee.

If you can’t go going in the morning without your daily boost of caffeine, you should seriously consider joining one of these clubs. Although many people swear by black coffee, they would be pleasantly surprised to know that by adding a bit of flavor, the coffee can take on a whole new richness and appeal. Coffee of the month clubs deliver a burst of taste right to your door and into your favorite mug.

Whole coffee beans are the perfect purchase for the coffee aficionado. Buying the beans whole will allow you to have a fresh grind. This fresh ground coffee is sought after by coffee lovers around the world. Those who are new to this simple, at-home process may have trouble finding the best coffee beans for their morning coffee. They are not used to looking for actual coffee beans. There are certain steps to take that will help you to find the best whole beans for coffee.

Do your Research

If you are looking for the best whole coffee beans, you need to do some research. There are various websites that will help you to find different brands of coffee on the market today. You can easily find out what each brand has to offer, and what other coffee lovers think of these brands.

Find the Varieties

Each brand has multiple varieties of whole beans. They will have both flavored and unflavored types of coffee. Figure out the flavors that sound appealing to you, and the flavors that do not. This will help you to narrow it down to the flavors that are best for your own coffee choice. You can easily use the Internet to find the different types of flavors available.

Visit Coffee Shops

There are multiple coffee shops in your community. These coffee shops will carry their own coffee brand. If you like the brand of a specific coffee shop, ask for their product. Some will offer their coffee in packages. Others will allow you to purchase their coffee, even though it is not packaged. Ask the coffee shop if they offer coffee beans for purchase.

Visit Specialty Stores

Specialty stores will have coffee brands that you have not heard of. They carry various free trade and natural/organic coffees. While these coffees may not be well known, they may still be flavorful.

Test them Out

The only way that you can actually find the best coffee beans for your morning breakfast is to try them out. If you are looking at a coffee shop, ask for a small sample of various coffees. If you are at a grocery store, only take small samples of the self-serve coffee beans.

Unfortunately, you cannot “sample” each and every type of coffee. You will run into coffees that you have purchased, and didn’t care for in the end. You simply need to use trial and error to find the coffee that is best for you.

It is important to do your research when looking for the best coffee beans. You also need to make sure that you are looking at all of your available possibilities for the coffee. This will help you to find the flavor that you are looking for.

From this point, you can simply visit coffee shops and specialty stores to find the coffee beans that are perfect for you. Take your time to find the exact whole beans for your mornings. You want to have coffee that you will thoroughly enjoy.

Many people have a coffee maker at work. This is a great idea because it lets employees and managers alike have something in common and lets everyone have a short break from work while they refresh their coffee mugs. Coffee makers are used in office buildings, manufacturing plants, and almost every type of business there is from fast food to convenience stores. The office coffee maker is a place everyone can go and chit chat for a few minutes similar to a water cooler.

The usual office coffee maker is of the automatic drip variety and makes about 12 cups at a time. The funny thing is, 12 cups from a coffee maker means about 5 ounces per cup. Nobody drinks that little so you might as well assume one pot will serve 6 people. For a busy workplace you may need a larger coffee maker to accommodate everyone and might even decide to use a coffee vending machine. If this is owned and operated by the company, they may lower the prices so they don't make much profit. This will be made up with employee morale and productivity so it evens out.

Many people feel better and more alert after drinking coffee so naturally, a coffee maker in the workplace helps everyone. The caffeine in coffee is a stimulant and should help them feel that way. If your employee is alert, there is less chance of incomplete work and injuries as they should be paying more attention to the job at hand.

The type of coffee maker for the workplace will need to be discussed among all the coffee drinkers and if a fancy one is needed, everyone should help pay for it. A normal coffee maker costs between 10 to 40 dollars but fancy ones can be 60-90 dollars depending on the features. These higher priced coffee makers usually come with a foamer, grinder, or some other special feature that would cause the price to be so high. You may want to just get two cheaper ones as there is always someone who wants decaffeinated coffee and doesn't like to mix the two types of coffee in one pot.

If you work in a large manufacturing plant or industrial building, chances are you will have to walk a long way to get a cup of coffee. Many of these workplaces use strategically placed break rooms that will have an assortment of vending machines. One of those may be a coffee vending machine or there might be a coffee maker on the counter for employees in your area to use. Make sure you have someone clean it before you clock out or management may take it away. I have seen this happen before.

With espresso and cappuccino becoming very popular, you might have one of these machines in your workplace. They cater to certain people usually but many come with a normal coffee pot on one side. This can help balance out two distinct tastes and make more employees happy.

If you haven't noticed, big store names like Folder's and Maxwell House have taken a beating lately. The notion of fresh coffee is in their face and they don't have much to say on the topic. After all, their coffee is ground and compressed in a can or bag. Who knows how long it sits in there before it's actually used in a drip pot! It could be months or even years. That is NOT fresh coffee. Heck, it's not even close. This coffee should have been tossed out long ago. Although many avid java drinkers don't know it, coffee has a life span once you roast it. Have you ever actually smelled freshly roasted coffee beans? The aroma is incomparable. The trick is to find quality beans that have recently been roasted. It's preferred to purchase beans that were roasted and bagged a mere day or two ago. This way you'll have about ten days to consume them. You'll get that outstanding fresh coffee you deserve. You don't even have to buy them ground anymore. In all honesty, you shouldn't. Purchase your fresh coffee whole. Then only grind the portion you're using at the time. This makes for a phenomenal cup of coffee. The smell alone will send your senses flying.

I turn to the local coffee house for fresh coffee beans. This place in particular is great because they have beans roasted and shipped in weekly. The date they were roasted and bagged is written on them. Try to find this at Starbuck's! God knows how old their coffee beans are. I couldn't even begin to guess. If you do not have a local shop that supplies fresh coffee, you can always turn to the web for plenty of options.

One of the problems, in the past, with coffee that is low or free of caffeine has been the process used to remove the substance. For many years a form of solvent was used to soak the coffee beans in order to make the decaf coffee.

The health effects of this procedure were called into question by medical professionals. They suggested that people who were drinking decaffinated coffee were absorbing these solvents into their bodies. Some individuals even went so far as to suggest that drinking decaffeinated coffee led to cancer.

Leaving the beans to soak in a solution of solvent was viewed as unhealthy, so many people instead turned back to regular coffee. They traded the idea of drinking something lower in stimulants for drinking caffeinated coffee, simply because they were afraid of the chemicals used in the decaffeination process.

Today’s coffee makers are using much safer methods of removing the caffeine from the beans. One new and effective method involves soaking the beans in Swiss water. The water naturally removes the caffeine, leaving beans that are low in caffeine and not filled with unhealthy chemicals.

The easiest way to tell if you are drinking a healthy decaf coffee is to look at the label. Many coffee companies now use labels that contain information on how the caffeine is removed from the beans. If it says it’s a naturally decaffeinated coffee you can be fairly certain that only a natural process was used to take the caffeine out of the beans.

Taste is often the biggest hurdle for diehard coffee drinkers. If you are accustomed to the taste of regular coffee, it’s going to take some adjustment for your taste buds to welcome the difference. Some individuals find that if they slowly switch from regular dark roast to a decaf coffee, that it’s easier. Perhaps mixing half of each together for a few days, before increasing the portion of decaffeinated coffee, and decreasing the regular would help with the switch over.

Healthy eating often means making some changes in your diet. If coffee is one of those changes, consider that the less caffeine you’ve got in your system, the better. Finding a satisfying brand of decaffeinated coffee can be a challenge, but when you do, you won’t miss the stimulant at all. You’ll just be enjoying the taste of a great cup of java.

There are many ways to add a bit of flair to most businesses. Unfortunately most franchise businesses frown on adding flair that isn't uniform. For this reason, if you want something a little more than a cup of coffee out of your coffee franchise (other than profits of course) you might want to make sure you plan for that in the beginning and seek coffee franchise opportunities that have a little bit more than just a cup of Joe to get your motor running.

Why would you want more than coffee in your coffee franchise?

This is actually a great question and the answer is quite simple. Not everyone likes to drink coffee. I know that many of you out there just fainted dead away but it's true. There are those among us who do not infuse coffee directly into the veins each and every morning to wake up. In addition there are those who go so far as to not liking coffee at all. It's a sad state in which to exist I know but there you have it. If your business offers more than a cup of coffee to your customers and clientele you are going to be able to capitalize on those who come along with friends but aren't as thrilled to be in a coffee shop. In fact, if you offer the right combinations and selections you just might find a loyal customer base that doesn't ever purchase coffee in your franchise store.

The good news is that there are many coffee franchises that offer a little bit more than coffee for franchise owners to serve. My personal favorite is one such business that offers fudge and coffee though this is certainly not the only calorific option available. There are plenty of businesses that combine a bakery with a coffee franchise or a caf้ atmosphere with the coffee culture. Some newer businesses are also combining smoothies with their coffee options.

If you are like many of the people that inhabit the United States you are probably well aware that there are plenty of coffee drinkers out there. If you open a coffee franchise in an area that isn't already saturated with coffee franchises and provide excellent quality and service chances are that your business will do well whether your focus solely on coffee or offer those extras that you might find interesting on a personal level.

There really is no one right or wrong option to make when selecting your coffee franchise only the decision that is either right or wrong for you. Not everyone wants a business with a split focus and there is a good bit of argument in favor of a business that does one thing and does that one thing exceptionally well. It is up to you which of these will be appealing to you. If you grow quickly bored with the same thing variety may be the perfect spice of life however, if you are the type of person that enjoys the idea of perfecting one thing then you might be more inclined to stick with coffee and make your coffee franchise business the best on the block by far.

The foodservice provider customers can choose an appropriate machine for their establishment, whether it is a small caf้ or a much larger concern. The Bunn coffee equipment is designed to be economic, efficient and safe to use. The Axiom-3 12 Cup Digital Automatic Coffee Brewer has an LCD display, splash guard and an automatic warmer shut-off. This brewer automatically adjusts, according to the water pressure.

The range of Thermal Server Coffee Brewers make 3 - 8 gallons of coffee per hour and the server keeps the fresh flavored coffee, hot for hours. The Super Automatic Expresso Systems include models, suitable for regular, de-caffeinated and specialty beans. It can be easily operated with the control pad. There is also a line in commercial Coffee Grinders; designed to preserve the fresh roasted flavor and aroma of coffee beans.

Making coffee at home is just as easy and affordable with Bunn coffee machines and there is a range of brewers and grinders. They make great coffee and they look good in the kitchen. The NBX Brewer comes in black or white and has a stainless steel tank with an internal thermostat. The lid slides for easy use and the decanter holds 10 cups. The warming plate is coated with porcelain. The My Caf้ Single Serve Coffee/Tea Pod Brewer is a compact piece of equipment and works with different kinds of tea and coffee pods and tea bags. Brewing only takes 30 seconds and there is a 9 setting brew control for 4 - 12oz cups. The pod holder, drip tray and lid are all dishwasher safe.

There is an online buying facility and a store locater function. Bunn coffee equipment is sold in well known stores, such as Dillard's, Sears and JC Penney's. The Parts Department supplies parts for commercial and domestic machines and the company provides operating and service manuals. The web site also gives information on the maintenance and cleaning of equipment and on warranty arrangements. The Bunn coffee company participates in several trade shows each year in the United States, Europe and Asia. Dates for 2008 have been announced and include shows in Miami, Washington DC, Dubai, Singapore, Denmark and London.

When I first started out in social work I worked with police officers investigating child abuse. I was on call and so would be working some strange and long hours. The sheriff’s department and the police station always had hot coffee available that tasted freshly brewed. One day when I was in their break room, the detective that I was working with was making a pot of coffee. I was amazed that as soon as he poured water into the maker coffee started coming through into the pot below. He told me it was a Bunn coffee maker and that it made a pot of coffee in less than two minutes. This works because there is a reservoir of water heating in the back of the Bunn coffee maker. When the cold water is poured in the hot water flows over the coffee grounds for fast coffee. The cold water then heats very quickly in the reservoir so that another pot of coffee can be made within minutes.

I told my husband about the fast coffee maker and we agreed that we would look for one. The police station had a commercial coffee maker, but I was told that you can buy residential models. We found a residential Bunn coffee maker at a local discount store. The coffee maker cost a bit more than the other machines, however it did have a full year warranty. We decided to buy it and try it out. That was seventeen years ago and we would never buy another kind of coffee maker. We have bought three of the Bunn’s over the years. I love that we can have fresh brewed coffee available in minutes. It is great for entertaining because you can keep making pot after pot so that there is always fresh hot coffee instead of having a large coffee pot sitting out with the coffee getting bitter as the evening goes on. With the Bunn coffee maker you can make four to twelve cups of coffee within two minutes. That is the perfect product for our household.

When I saw that Black and Decker coffee machines were in stock at my local retail store I made sure to invest in a unit for my home. We have always relied on this quality brand for power tools and accessories. It is only fitting that we would adopt Black and Decker coffee into our kitchen as well.

This was one of the best investments I have ever made in a kitchen appliance. The coffee that the unit produces is beyond excellent and I know that I have a quality product that will last a long time. We do punish our Black and Decker coffee machine and it is really standing the test of time.

Having a big family that drinks a lot of coffee on a regular basis can wreck havoc on a regular machine. The Black and Decker coffee maker is far more resilient than other machines that I’ve owned. I would invest in a new unit every couple of years when I bought other brands.

The Black and Decker coffee maker has been time-tested in our home and it has passed with flying colors. I host many home parties that require quite a bit of coffee. We have been known to use the Black and Decker coffee maker upwards of six times in a single day. The machine brews one perfect pot after another.

I love that I never have to worry about coffee when I host an event and I love that my guests are always pleased with the results. The Black and Decker coffee maker is definitely worth the money. Actually, the unit is relatively inexpensive and you know that you won’t need a replacement any time soon.

We have adopted this kitchen appliance into the fold of our home and when this machine has finally run its course we will replace it with another Black and Decker coffee maker. I have owned the useful appliance for a few years and I really don’t see the need to replace it any time soon.

Other coffee makers do wonderfully for normal use. However, if you have a houseful of dedicated java drinkers you really want to consider the Black and Decker coffee machine. This appliance will stick with you for years to come.

Choosing a gourmet coffee bean over a regular coffee bean for your daily coffee routine can have both positive and negative results. If you know the good and the bad that can come with purchasing gourmet coffee, you can know if it is the right decision for your coffee needs. While there are multiple aspects of the coffee to consider, there are four major points to take note of.


The flavor of gourmet coffee is the obvious benefit of the purchase. The gourmet coffee has more robust flavors and more interesting, unique flavors than other types of coffee. Gourmet coffee often has a stronger taste and feel than other types of coffee. People will pay for the more intricate flavor of gourmet coffee. Gourmet coffee has a higher quality than other types of coffee.


Smell is an incredibly important part of coffee. People will often set their coffee makers to make their coffee at a specific time. People like to wake up to the smell of coffee. Why would you purchase gourmet coffee if you did not like the smell? Gourmet coffee has a strong odor that is perfect for waking up in the morning.


When you purchase gourmet coffee, you are buying into a brand. You are buying into a brand that is known for having a high quality ingredient. You are buying a brand that is known for consistency. A large reason that people pay top dollar for gourmet coffee is for the brand name alone. People want to spend their money on a product that has the best quality. Gourmet coffee offers those brand names.


There is only one major downfall when it comes to gourmet coffee. This coffee is much more expensive than other types of coffee. Those who can tell the differences between the flavors often do not mind the extra cost. Those who are not coffee aficionados often fail to see the purpose of the higher price. The flavor, smell, and brand name of gourmet coffee brands and varieties come at a high price. The process is more expensive. The ingredients are more expensive. Often, the company raises the price to make their brand more prestigious than another. If you are not looking to spend a large amount of money on coffee, gourmet coffee beans are not for you.

The flavor of the coffee is the most important in terms of benefits of gourmet coffee. The flavor is often stronger and more intricate with a gourmet coffee bean. The smell of the coffee follows suit. The better tasting the coffee, the better smelling the coffee is likely to be.

Some people purchase gourmet coffee just because of the brand name. This highlights the major downfall of gourmet coffee: cost. The cost of gourmet coffee often turns people away. If you can afford gourmet coffee, it will be the best purchase for your morning brew.?

Bunn coffee makers are popular with many devoted coffee drinkers. This leading coffee maker company offers a variety of styles to fit the needs of users. In 1957, Bunn introduced the first paper coffee filter. In 1963, they introduced the 'pourover' coffee brewer.

Automatic (coffee makers that connect to a water source) and manual (coffee makers that require reservoir filling before use) styles are available. Manual coffee makers are also called pourover coffee makers.

Bunn Airpot Coffee Maker: Coffee is brewed directly into an airpot. These machines do not contain warmers.

Bunn Drip Coffee Maker: Drip coffee makers deliver brewed coffee into glass carafes. A warmer beneath the carafe keeps coffee hot.

Bunn Liquid Coffee Maker: Liquid concentrate is used to brew coffee in these machines. They are especially used for brewing large quantities of coffee.

Bunn Pod Coffee Maker: This style brews a single cup of coffee each time. Pre-measured, prefilled pods are easy to use and make cleanup a breeze. These coffee makers are fast, brewing a fresh cup of coffee in under a minute.

Bunn Satellite Coffee Maker: These coffee makers are preferred for commercial use in offices, restaurants and locations needing larger quantities of coffee. Once brewed, the coffee is placed in carafes that sit on warmers to preserve heat.

Bunn Softheat Coffee Maker: These are used for brewing large amounts of coffee. The machine's heat control sensor shuts off automatically when the machine reaches the desired temperature. An included coffee grinder interface automatically dispenses amount of coffee needed.

Bunn Thermal Coffee Maker: This style of machine brews coffee into a thermal carafe. Coffee remains hot longer and tastes fresher.

Bunn Thermofresh Coffee Maker: Can be used for brewing large amounts of coffee. The machine is capable of storing coffee recipes, making it easy for coffee aficionados to brew their favorite coffees.

Bunn Urn Coffee Maker: Businesses and organizations use this coffee maker to brew enormous amounts of coffee (more than 11 gallons per hour).

Bunn Coffee Maker Special Features

Bunn coffee makers offer distinctive benefits, including patented reservoirs, a 3 minute brewing cycle and sprayhead to distribute water evenly over coffee grounds.

Patented reservoirs used in Bunn coffee makers feature that maintain a brewing temperature of 200 degrees, unlike conventional home coffee makers that heat water only until it boils high enough to reach the coffee basket.

The Bunn coffee maker 3 minute brewing cycle is not only fast, it reduces bitterness. Typical coffee makers continue brewing until all water is boiled away.

Unlike conventional coffee makers where water drips from the reservoir through the coffee, Bunn coffee makers contain a special sprayhead that exposes all of the coffee to water instead of just the area beneath the drip.

Bunn coffee makers can be found in homes, restaurants and businesses all over the United States. Many coffee lovers swear by Bunn machines and refuse to use any other coffee maker. The company offers a wide array of coffee maker styles to fit individual needs and budgets.

Automatic Coffee Maker

One of the first things I focus on in the morning is my automatic coffee maker. Yes, my child is running around the house, and our cats are meowing at my feet to be fed, but without my morning coffee, none of these things will get done. Though I can set my coffee maker to brew coffee before I wake up, this is not something that I choose to do. I grind my own beans, and that means that I have to do it immediately before I brew. If I do not, the coffee will not be as fresh as I would like.

A while ago I had an automatic coffee maker that my husband bought for me at a discount store. I guess it brewed coffee well enough, but I found that the flavor was off. He went out and bought me a more expensive automatic coffee maker, and I have been much happier with the taste of my coffee. Even though I can set my coffee maker to brew at six in the morning, I find that this is not something that I like to do. If there were ever a problem with the filter, I would have coffee all over my counter. That’s not what I want to wake up to each morning.

The automatic coffee maker that I have now works rather well, but I have my eye and a new design. I cannot recall the name of the coffee maker right now, but I believe it is called the Brewmaster. This automatic coffeemaker works much more like the ones you might see any store or a restaurant. It brews the coffee, and it holds it in a warming tank. Though the carafe on another coffeemaker works in much the same manner, the warming plate underneath is not warming the coffee as it should. The warming tank should keep the coffee at the proper temperature without any type of burning.

Once the coffee has been brewed in this type of automatic coffee maker, you pull on the tab to release the coffee into your cup. This type of set up will be perfect for me. When I was shopping for Christmas presents this year, I took a look at the automatic coffee maker section of the store. I saw that I could buy one for about the same price that I have paid for my current automatic coffee maker. I don’t have one as of yet, but you can be sure that I will have one by the end of next month. When it comes to coffee, I only want the best.

Franchises often make expensive partnerships though many people find them far less expensive than building a brand new business venture. There are still plenty of expenses that go into building a franchise that are often overlooked until too late. Before you even consider buying into a coffee franchise you need to sit back and take stock of your overall financial situation. Business is risky, even going the lower risk route of purchasing a franchise there is no small degree of risk involved that you will lose your investment and perhaps any collateral you had invested in your business venture.

How much cash do you have available to invest in your coffee franchise? Most franchises will require a personal commitment of finances even if you can arrange for a good portion of the costs through financing. The reason for this is that most people are going to work twice as hard when their own money is on the line to make the business a success. It is a sound business move on their behalf and one of the reasons that they are able to become franchises and maintain a solid reputation for quality goods and services.

What is your net worth? There are quite a few bigger named franchises that require you to have a certain amount of net worth before they will even discuss an investment opportunity with you. There are various reasons for this and each company has its own reasons. The bottom line is that you should expect to be asked for your total net worth and prepared to divulge that information when applying for franchise partnerships.

What are you willing to use as collateral in order to secure any business loans you may need? This is an important question to ask yourself. It is best; if at all possible, not to risk your personal home or your family's security (IRAs and 401Ks) to secure the funds needed to buy into a franchise business. That isn't always possible however and extreme caution is urged when doing so. It is best to go into this with your eyes opened to the risk rather than wearing rose colored glasses. You run the risk of losing whatever you use to secure the funds for your business. Are you willing to accept that risk? Is your family?

What money are you going to live on while building your business? It takes a little time to build a steady profit that will provide a sustainable income. Do you have enough money set aside to pull you through the lean months while you are building your business or do you have some other methods of earning income during that important time for your business?

Finances are surprisingly the most overlooked aspect of building a business such as a coffee franchise and one of the most important and necessary for doing so. You need to plan to support your family while you are building your business in addition to having the money that will be needed to start your business in the first place. It takes money to run a business and this is more true in the first few years of your business than at any other time.

These products are both functional and stylish and will look good in any kitchen or caf้. Everything is designed with flavor in mind. The Bistro Nouveau coffee or tea glass is made from heat resistance glass and has a black, plastic handle. The glass keeps coffee and tea warm and can also be used for soup. The glasses are suitable for cleaning in the dishwasher.

The Eileen is a black and stainless steel frame Bodum coffee maker in the French press style. It has a square handle for easy grip and it is chosen by bistro and caf้ owners. The Costa Rica 8 Cup French Press also has a stainless steel frame and an easy grip curved handle with a rubber coating. Coffee is quick and easy to make. Ground coffee is put into the flask, hot water is added and stirred with a wooden or plastic spoon. After three or four minutes, the plunger is pressed and perfect coffee is the result.

The Travel Press is transparent and holds 16oz of liquid. It serves as a Bodum coffee maker and tea maker, mixing hot water with ground coffee or tea leaves. Other products from the company include electric coffee grinders, milk frothers, electric water kettles and espresso machines. Accessories are also available for the Bodum coffee maker line. The 4 minute timer can be fitted to all the machines and is powered by a battery. The range of accessories also includes chrome measuring spoons and drip filters.

Storage is important in keeping coffee fresh and dry. Bodum supplies a storage jar with a sealed lid and a removable silicon gasket. The jar is dishwasher friendly and can also be used to store tea, herbs, sugar or rice. All of the machines are designed to be durable. However, should anything need replacing, there are spare parts available for all the Bodum coffee makers and other equipment. It's reassuring to the consumer that the professionals also buy the products and put their trust in the company.

Espresso beans are an extension of coffee beans. These beans are simply more powerful, and are used to create espresso. It takes some time to fully understand coffee beans. Espresso beans come in a variety of roasts and strengths. By learning more about espresso in general, you can figure out your favorite espresso to have. You simply need to understand espresso, understand how to order the drink, and understand how to make it at home.

What are Espresso Beans

While there are certain beans that may be marked as "espresso beans", it is important to note that these are not an actual unique type of bean. Espresso beans are normal coffee beans. Generally, espresso beans have a darker roast than other types of beans. The espresso actually refers to the way that the coffee is made.

Espresso coffee is made by pressurizing the water that makes the coffee. It is put through the beans at this pressurized rate. This is what gives espresso its strength and taste. The process concentrates that product, making it incredibly strong.

Tips for Ordering

Espresso is only a small amount of coffee. Espresso comes in “shots”. Some will drink espresso by itself. The espresso comes out in a small glass, and is meant to be sipped. Others will add the espresso shots to various mixed coffee drinks. Lattes and Mochas are two famous drinks that use espresso. For an extra boost of flavor and caffeine, some people ask for a double shot of espresso.

It is important to remember that espresso has a high level of caffeine. Adding a double shot of espresso to your drink will significantly increase the caffeine in the drink. This may cause you to have a caffeine crash.

Tips for Making

If you want to make espresso at home, you need to have an espresso machine. The process for making espresso requires an actual gadget. Many use the automatic espresso machines. This requires pressing the ground beans into a puck. You then force the water through the puck of beans. This is why the machine is important; it has the force necessary to create espresso.

From that point, you simply let the espresso drip out of the machine and into the espresso shot glasses. You can then make multiple drinks with the espresso. You simply need milk, cream, and coffee to make many of the popular drinks. Some other drinks that use espresso include macchiatos and cappuccinos.

Espresso beans are simply coffee beans. When you better understand the process that is used to make espresso, you can better choose your beans. If you simply want to order espresso, you need to understand the best way to order the coffee. If you want to make espresso at home, you need to know how to make the drink yourself from these coffee beans. Espresso is a flavorful drink that many fail to use at home. Take the time to understand these beans and the drinks that they create to enjoy the best coffee possible.

ABCs of a Coffee Franchise

One thing that is often overlooked about running a business by those hoping to run one of their own is that it isn't an easy proposition. If running a successful business were easy, there would be many more people doing it. The good news is that a franchise, such as a coffee franchise, makes the running of your business seem as simple as ABC.

Accounting. Franchises often have a unique method of accounting for the money earned, money owed, inventory on hand, inventory needed, and countless other details that are often learned by other business owners through painful sessions of trial and error. Learning these accounting practices makes financing the business, operating the business, paying taxes, payroll, and ordering new supplies much less painful than they have the potential to be. Little details such as this are often overlooked during the planning stages though vitally important to the success of a business.

Business management. This is a skill that isn't inherent in most people. There are things that must be learned in order to properly manage a successful coffee franchise, or any other business. Managing a business requires the ability to see the big picture while still paying attention to the minutest details. You need to be able to make sure the store is clean, the staff is in proper uniform, the coffee is being stored and prepared properly, and that the money is going where it needs to be when it needs to be there. This is a skill that is taught during training sessions with most franchises and one that needs to be remembered and perfected.

Customer Service. When you buy a coffee franchise you will discover that your customers are your most valued assets. You will also learn that your employees and staff are you biggest tool in keeping customers or loosing them. A coffee franchise is part of the service industry and you need to stress this fact to anyone on your staff. Good customer service is essential for your business.

Demand. Before you build a coffee franchise you need to see if there is enough demand in the area to warrant a new business. Some markets are quickly becoming saturated with coffee franchise stores because of their popularity and relatively low start up costs. Do not allow your business to be a victim of low demand. Build in an area that is underserved or that has an unusually high amount of traffic to meet the demand (such as an exceptional location).

Exceptionality. Competition is fierce in the coffee franchise industry. You must be exceptional in every aspect of building your business in order to stand heads and shoulders above the rest. Offer customers the most delicious coffee, the best service, and the nicest atmosphere and you will find that your customers are loyal to your business. Fail to do this and you will find your customers going to the coffee shop down the road.

Let the alphabet be your guide and think of other ways you can make your coffee franchise stand out among the crowd.

People who are looking to buy coffee beans generally make a quick decision. They base their choice on the packaging that the coffee is in. They may base their decision on the commercial that they have seen for a specific brand. While these are easy ways to choose coffee beans, they are not the best. There are specific things that you should look for and do when you are choosing coffee beans. These 6 tips will help you to make the best decision possible.

Smell The Coffee

Smelling the coffee first thing that you should do when comparing coffee beans. It can help you to better understand the full flavor of the coffee. It will also show you the smell that you will be waking up to when you make your coffee. While all of the other aspects of coffee are important, this will help you to choose the better coffee.

Ask for a Sample

If you can, ask for a sample of the coffee. Samples will allow you to taste the coffee. This is the ultimate way to buy coffee. Samples are not always available. Simply ask the store for a sample of coffee. Even if you have to pay for the sample, it will be worth the small purchase.

Visit a Coffee Shop

Visit a coffee shop to see what various types of coffee beans are available. Coffee shops will often have different kinds of coffee that are not found in other stores.

Read Online Reviews

Online reviews can help you to narrow down your coffee bean choices. Online reviews can give you a general understanding of the quality of the brand. If the coffee is too weak or too strong, the reviews will let you know. If the flavor is off, a review will let you know.

Purchase Sample Sizes

Some types of coffee beans can be purchased in sample sizes. These smaller bags of coffee will allow you to try out the coffee before you commit to a purchase of a full bag.

Try New Things

Don’t be afraid to try new things. Unique and unfamiliar types of coffee could wind up as your favorite brand. If you can afford it, simply purchase various types of coffee. This will give you a better understanding of coffee beans on the market.

Smelling the coffee will give you a better understanding of the flavor of the coffee. It can help you to fully understand the aroma that will be in your home when you make the coffee. Asking for a sample, when available, is the quickest way to buy coffee beans.

Visiting a coffee shop and reading online reviews will give you the full range of available coffee beans. Purchasing sample sizes is an easy way to try various types of coffee without the financial burden of buying an entire bag. By being willing to try new things, you will find it easy to purchase coffee.

We had the same automatic coffee makers, but the cups that they brewed were quite different. Part of it had to do with the coffee that we put in the automatic coffee maker. His was a slightly higher grade blend, so I assumed that was the difference. I asked him what kind of coffee he was using, and he told me. I went out and bought it the next day, excited to try it. I put it in my automatic coffee maker, and waited for the magic to happen. It was good, but it was not as good as the coffee I had over at my friend's house. I couldn't figure out the difference. It felt like my automatic coffee maker had failed me.

I didn't want to ask him what his secret was. It seemed like I had failed if I couldn't figure out how to use a coffee maker automatic on my own. I experimented with different settings. I set the automatic coffeemaker to drip more slowly, to drip faster, and to use hotter and cooler water. I even tried adding cardamom and shaved chocolate. Nothing seemed to do the trick. The automatic coffee maker still didn't make the same perfect cup I had had at my friend's house.

Finally, in frustration, I asked him what it was that he did differently. He told me. It was quite simple really, and I wished that I had asked earlier and saved myself the frustration. He roasted his own coffee. That was all there was to it. No matter whether you are using an antique coffee maker or an automatic one, fresh roasted coffee always tastes better. When he explained it, I decided to roast my own. It really is great when you prepare it yourself!

Coffee Flavor

Millions of people around the world start each morning with a couple of cups of coffee. Most will agree that it is very delicious but they will also tell you exactly how they prefer it. Not everyone likes the same taste when it comes to coffee. That can be a challenge when you are in the business of selling it from coffee shops though. This is why you will find so much variety offered when you walk into such an establishment.

There are also many different choices offered by each brand when you go to the grocery store to buy coffee. You will likely have to try several different ones before you come across the coffee flavor that really works well for you. For many people what first appeals to them with coffee is the aroma of it while it is brewing. If it doesn’t smell good you aren’t going to associate great coffee flavor with it either.

Some people claim that they find many coffee drinks to have an aftertaste that is too bold for them. They don’t like that flavor so they need to choose a smoother drink. Many people find that cutting back the amount of coffee grounds they use by ฝ a tablespoon can reduce the aftertaste that they find to be too strong for them. There are some coffee drinks that are bitter and others that taste very good.

You will also discover that there are flavors added to various types of coffee. You may find French vanilla goes down easier for you that just plain. There are also various brands of gourmet coffee that are said to be made with only the very best ingredients.

You can add sugar and creamer to your coffee too in order to flavor it just how you like it. Some prefer it black while others need several spoonfuls of sugar and plenty of cream. You can use plain milk or one of many flavored creamers as well. When it comes to coffee there are too many variations to guess how someone would like their drink to be. That is why there is a saying that you don’t really know someone until you know how they take their coffee.

Espresso beans are an extension of coffee beans. These beans are simply more powerful, and are used to create espresso. It takes some time to fully understand coffee beans. Espresso beans come in a variety of roasts and strengths. By learning more about espresso in general, you can figure out your favorite espresso to have. You simply need to understand espresso, understand how to order the drink, and understand how to make it at home.

What are Espresso Beans

While there are certain beans that may be marked as "espresso beans", it is important to note that these are not an actual unique type of bean. Espresso beans are normal coffee beans. Generally, espresso beans have a darker roast than other types of beans. The espresso actually refers to the way that the coffee is made.

Espresso coffee is made by pressurizing the water that makes the coffee. It is put through the beans at this pressurized rate. This is what gives espresso its strength and taste. The process concentrates that product, making it incredibly strong.

Tips for Ordering

Espresso is only a small amount of coffee. Espresso comes in “shots”. Some will drink espresso by itself. The espresso comes out in a small glass, and is meant to be sipped. Others will add the espresso shots to various mixed coffee drinks. Lattes and Mochas are two famous drinks that use espresso. For an extra boost of flavor and caffeine, some people ask for a double shot of espresso.

It is important to remember that espresso has a high level of caffeine. Adding a double shot of espresso to your drink will significantly increase the caffeine in the drink. This may cause you to have a caffeine crash.

Tips for Making

If you want to make espresso at home, you need to have an espresso machine. The process for making espresso requires an actual gadget. Many use the automatic espresso machines. This requires pressing the ground beans into a puck. You then force the water through the puck of beans. This is why the machine is important; it has the force necessary to create espresso.

From that point, you simply let the espresso drip out of the machine and into the espresso shot glasses. You can then make multiple drinks with the espresso. You simply need milk, cream, and coffee to make many of the popular drinks. Some other drinks that use espresso include macchiatos and cappuccinos.

Espresso beans are simply coffee beans. When you better understand the process that is used to make espresso, you can better choose your beans. If you simply want to order espresso, you need to understand the best way to order the coffee. If you want to make espresso at home, you need to know how to make the drink yourself from these coffee beans. Espresso is a flavorful drink that many fail to use at home. Take the time to understand these beans and the drinks that they create to enjoy the best coffee possible.

Espresso beans are simply coffee beans that have been pressed to make a specific type of coffee, known as espresso. Often, the beans are roasted to a darker level, giving it a more bitter flavor. This bitterness creates the flavor of espresso that many have come to love. Trying to choose an espresso coffee bean can be somewhat confusing. If you know the simple steps to choosing an espresso bean, you can easily find the best bean for your coffee.


Although the term 'espresso bean' is used, it is possible to make espresso from any coffee bean available. You simply need to think about the flavor of coffee that you enjoy. If you like a more bitter taste, you will want a bean that has a darker roast. If you want a more subtle flavor, you should choose a lighter roast. Again, any coffee bean can be pressed to make espresso.


How much strength do you want in your espresso? The stronger the flavor of the bean, the stronger your drink will be. The more the caffeine in the bean, the more the caffeine in the espresso. It is important to remember that espresso comes in shot sizes. If you want a more powerful drink, you cannot look at the coffee bean. You simply need to add an extra shot of espresso to your drink.


When you are choosing beans to make espresso at home, you need to consider cost. How much are you willing to spend on coffee? While the more expensive beans and roasts may have good flavor, are they necessary for the drinks that you are making? If the drink that you make is heavily diluted with coffee and milk or cream, you may not want to spring for a more expensive coffee bean.


If you are making espresso at home, you are looking to make your favorite drink. If you have a favorite drink, you want to make it taste the same each and every time you make it. This is why the accessibility of your espresso coffee beans is so important. If it is easy to find your beans, you will know that you will not run out. Your espresso will taste the same each and every time that you make it.

Flavor is always important when talking about an espresso coffee bean. Some want their espresso more bitter than others. You simply need to taste the various beans and their espresso to understand what you like. You also need to think about power. How strong do you want the espresso to be?

You also need to consider cost when you are purchasing espresso beans. The more expensive the bean, the better the flavor will be. When considering cost, you should consider availability.

Will the espresso coffee beans be easy to find? Choosing an espresso coffee for your coffee needs relies on these various aspects. When you can find a bean that meets your flavor, cost, and availability needs, you have found the perfect bean.

There are many reasons that people consider franchise ownership. First and foremost among those reasons is a secure future for the family of the franchise owner. Some choose to invest in a coffee franchise in order to plan for better golden years once retirement age has been reached while others seek potential earnings for a comfortable living both now and in the future. Whatever your reason for seeking franchise ownership I'm sure the question as to whether or not coffee really is the way to go has come up at one point in time or another.

Is Coffee the Way to Go?

There is no cut and dried simple yes or no answer for this question. Each investor is different just as each coffee franchise is different. You must consider several contributing factors when weighing whether or not a coffee franchise is the wave of the future you are looking for with your investment dollars.

Many people begin their days with a nice piping hot cup of coffee. Many would be investors seeking franchise ownerships appreciate the symbolism of a coffee franchise business as a new start or beginning and the fact that so many people not only across the nation but around the world begin their days with a cup of this delicious brew.

If you are one of those people then undoubtedly the allure of a coffee franchise will tug a bit and that is a good thing, if you believe you can sell coffee, if you believe in the particular coffee franchise you are considering, and if your target area isn't already saturated with coffee related businesses and franchises. You absolutely do not want to be the new kid in a saturated market unless you have something new and different to offer that the other coffee franchise establishments in the area do not.

If you are wondering why coffee the answer is relatively simple. First of all coffee is big business. Around the world coffee is being consumed on a more regular basis as many of the negative connotations and side effects of coffee are being replaced by benefits and low or no caffeine options. New people are waking up to the appeal of coffee on a daily basis and many consumers of coffee drink more than one cup per day. This means that those coffee drinkers are likely to return on a regular basis bringing in repeat customers and if you choose the right set up for your coffee franchise you can capitalize on repeat business while also drawing in your share of new loyal customers as well.

Can a Coffee Franchise Secure your Future?

Absolutely! But this will only happen if you choose wisely, treat your coffee franchise like a business rather than a hobby, and take proactive steps in the process of growing and exposing your business. A franchise goes a long way towards establishing name recognition and professional advertising but you must play an active role in the growth of your coffee franchise as well if you are seeking true success and a comfortable living and/or retirement.